Performance Affiliate Program

Some time ago, beginning in 1990, Mark and I had an Affiliate Program primarily for associated venues in the investment industry who wanted to sell our books. However, it was also used as a vehicle for traders, hedge fund managers, and financial institutions such as Deutsche Bank, Citibank, CSCE, CME Group, CBOE, and so forth, who had availed themselves of our services to refer other clients to our materials with regard to our coaching and workshops. As Amazon took over the book sales market in the mid-to late-1990s with their ability to provide large discounts and free shipping, we ended the “book” Affiliate Program in the year 2005.

Today with new books and services continuing to be produced and offered by us, as well as “authentic” products such as original art created by Mark being made available forward – and because a growing number of traders, investment firms, and financial institutions have inquired about partnering with us, the decision was made to reinstate an Affiliate Program, for the benefit of all. This new Affiliate Program is a positive way to keep our materials growing within the trading community and expand our Affiliates' venues. Of course, all our Affiliates are provided percentage remuneration as well for their referrals. In other words, it’s a win-win for everyone!

If you are interested in our Affiliate Program, please read the Agreement thoroughly, and call me with any questions to learn more about this rewarding opportunity at (760) 636-4290 Pacific Time Zone. If you are all set to join us, complete the Agreement and e-mail [email protected], and we will get started working together on expanding both our empires in the investment world.

I look forward to working together with you!