Contact Information
Mon - Thu: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Fri: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sat: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Winning Warrior Coaching And Life Coaching – Living with a Trader
Winning Warrior Coaching is the best fit for anyone seeking a higher, more clearly defined and secure financial future, no matter what level of trading experience! Paula T has coached traders since 1991 about creating consistent profit-taking as well as developing great relationships in their lives. Working extensively here in the U.S. as well as traveling around the world assisting traders of all levels and experience is her forte and passion. If you are looking for expertise in creating, maintaining, and developing your trading mindset into becoming a Winning Warrior Trader to claim dominion with unlimited prosperity, through power profit-taking and to streamline your focus to achieve your financial trading goals, then contact her office.
Paula T understands that sometimes traders may be in need of an updated approach to their relationships as well. She is the first person in this investment industry to address the challenges that traders and their loved ones may have in their relationships. Many times, those relationships delay traders’ successes and that is where she steps in. Quite a few traders have taken advantage of Paula T’s Life Coaching as well as utilizing her proprietary “Living With a Trader Agreement” designed for the trader, their loved ones and/or family members. With both services, the Life Coaching and the “Agreement” (which is written for each trader individually) allows the trader, through this mutual, signed agreement between the trader and his loved one(s), to move forward at trading full-speed ahead without encumbrance from others. Any trader that has interference from any relationship(s) in their life that they feel may limit or hamper them from achieving their trading goals will benefit from Paula T’s Life Coaching services. Contact her office with questions or click here for more details.
Keep in mind, you may feel that one or two coaching sessions may not be enough. Quite a few traders hire professional mentors to help them maintain their focus and stay on track, and Paula T was and still is the first and only coach to do so beginning in 1991 – coaching traders during market hours, which set the bar for all others afterward. Whether you are looking for:
- a single coaching session
- multiple sessions
- Life Coaching
- unlimited access (meaning no appointment needed)
- regular check-ins
- or a program tailor-made for you – we will fit our services to you
- For repeat clients, please call her office for your special discount.
Coaching Programs - Traders
Single 1-Hour Session: This is your introduction to improving your trading on track after the Introductory Call. The Single Session is a 1-Hour Coaching Session where we discuss your trading questions at length. At the end of the session within 24 hours afterward – based on what you have honestly shared in the session, you will be given personalized exercises via e-mail in the form of essay questions to work on regarding your trading approach. All sessions can be facilitated via telephone, SKYPE, Zoom. Rate: $850.00 (unless you are a returning client)
Requirement: A true desire to develop your trading skills into a Winning Warrior Mindset, and an ability to be honest within the context of the session. If you choose to purchase a package of multiple sessions after the Primary Session, the rate will be prorated. All exercises given to you after any session must be completed before scheduling any subsequent session.
Premium Package: Setting up a series of 1-hour sessions, beginning with a set of 3, 6, 9, 12+ - one-hour sessions or more depending on what you may want. Each session is 1-hour in length, and within 24 hours after each session you will be provided with follow-up exercises in the form of essay exercises via e-mail to begin work on. All exercises are person-specific, meaning they are not ‘cookie-cutter’ generalized exercises like all the other trading coaches or life coaches. The exercises are geared toward what you share in your session with Paula T. The coaching provided is about ‘you’ and therefore no two sets of exercises are alike – just like no two traders are alike within their perception of the markets. Rate: Begins at $1,850.00 for 3 sessions and up
Requirement: Each session must be scheduled for the same day of the week and the same time – whether once a week, bi-weekly, every 3 weeks, or monthly. Each trader can choose the frequency of the sessions (maximum 4 weeks in-between however), while maintaining the same day and time of week. This is to keep you on track and on schedule to achieve your trading goals.
Living with a Trader 101 – Life Coaching
“One thing I cannot stress enough is that trading is a unique and individual life path. I call it a life path because once you step into the game of trading - and I say “you” because you are now included in this life path by the mere fact that you are in a relationship with a trader - and initially everything else may seem to pale in comparison.”
Anyone in a relationship with a trader must understand that life will not be the same as it was. Why? Because, again at least initially, the trading can and more than likely will take over every waking moment of your trader’s life and ultimately yours as well. Things such as family, vacations, entertainment, routine daily dialogue or tasks, and other goals set before getting into trading, all may take a back seat in the trader’s mental environment while they learn the intricacies of trading. Just as important, as they learn how to balance this new work environment with the rest of their everyday life, and that is where you come in.
As the partner, spouse, loved one, or companion to a trader, this is something that you need to be aware of. Trading is one of the most, if not the most, consuming careers and it takes a strong individual as well as their partner, such as yourself, to understand that there must be grounding and balance between trading and the “rest” of life. As partner to your trader, it may be up to you to gently lead your partner to understand this or for you to keep the focus in your life together - and maintain a level head when your trader may not be able to do so himself.
In terms of relationship management, the stakes are higher and more emotional in the trading environment as the loss of equity can be high and happen quite quickly. (Think the FTX scandal.) So, keep in mind you may have to be the one who is calm, cool, and collected for a lengthy period of time, for your trader. This coaching is designed to assist you in understanding market terminology, the mindset, the physical and emotional trading space that your trader needs to have and maintain and also help you to de-energize any fears you may have this new business venture. This coaching can be done individually or together. Rate: $750.00 per session. Contact our office for packages of more than once session.
Stay-On-Track Program: This program is designated for those traders who have had at least one (1) paid Warrior Trader or Life Coach session, and who seek regular mentorship for accountability, and/or validation that they are following the most appropriate path to achieve their trading or relationship goals. This is a 30-Minute Check-In via telephone, SKYPE, Zoom, which can be scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, every three weeks, or once monthly and can be scheduled in incremental sets of 5, 10, 15+ sessions. No exercises are given for the SOT Program. Rate: $250.00 per session no matter how many.
Requirement: Each session must be scheduled for the same day of the week at the same time to maintain consistency in your trading approach. Each trader can choose the frequency of the sessions (maximum 4 weeks in-between sessions), while maintaining the same day and time of week.
Still not sure what services to choose? Click here to contact Paula T with questions.
Still not sure what services to choose? Click here to contact Paula T with questions.
To schedule your FREE 15-minute call click here to discuss and experience a snapshot of trading psychology at its best!